The fire pit allowed us to keep warm and toast marshmallows.

Even the fire crew attended. We all felt safer knowing they were there.

We had a good turnout this year with lots of friendly faces – past and present. The weather hasn’t been particularly good for flying this year due to poor weather, however, many flights still took place from lessons to sightseeing tours over London with the odd charter and wedding proposal. All the guests brought one large firework, Ken brought in a nice selection of fireworks as well as drinks and food was brought in and cooked by Linda and Nicolas so many thanks to them.
If you’d like to buy a flight voucher for a sightseeing tour, pop along to our website below:
If you’d like to treat someone to a lesson so they can fly the helicopter with a fully qualified instructor take a look here:
We hope to see you soon.
Photographs by @geoffwivag